To install and configure the Drupal Mollom module:

 1. Download the Mollom module from or
    Be sure to pick a version of the Mollom client that matches your version of Drupal. The module
    package should be placed with the rest of your contributed Drupal modules (generally,
    in "sites/all/modules" or "sites/default/modules").

 2. Go to

 3. Login with your account, or create an account if you don't have one.

 4. Select "Manage sites" from the upper right menu at

 5. Select "Add subscription" to create a new key pair for your website (or "edit subscription" to
    access a subscription for an existing site tied to your account).

 6. Visit your site's module list (Administer >> Site building >> Modules) and enable the Mollom module.

 7. Visit your site's Mollom settings page (Administer >> Site configuration >> Mollom) and enter the key
    pair associated with your site (from step 5).

 8. Review the other Mollom settings and adjust as necessary.

For support go to A tutorial for the Drupal module is also available at